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Long Beach Pride Car Show at Hotel Maya (LB/SB & OC)
Event Contact(s)
Dave Weisbart
Registration Info
Registration is recommended
About this event
We’ve arranged a very special show and lunch to coincide with the Long Beach Pride Festival! The Hotel Maya, a lovely Hilton property right on the water next to the Queen Mary, is having its own Pride event, and our car show will be a big part of it. The hotel’s restaurant, Fuego, will be serving their Sunday brunch, with live music from the first LGBT+ Mariachi band, the
Mariachi Arcoiris. (
Arcoiris is Spanish for rainbow!)
Bring a car, get a deal! With your
free entry into the car show, you and your guest will receive a coupon for 20% off your food and beverages at Fuego, as well as a free mimosa! If we have enough cars, we may choose the most special ones to park immediately in front of the hotel entrance. And we may even have TV coverage of the event!
When the show is over, you can make a whole day of it and head to the festival in downtown Long Beach if you want.

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